SERVPRO of South Shreveport, Bossier Employee Photos

Saundra Morris
Saundra is our estimator. Her job prepare invoices for the services we provide and to serve as the person who answers questions from claims adjusters and agents.
She has been with SERVPRO® of South Shreveport since 2014. She is certified as a water restoration technician and is familiar with all aspects of restoration processes and procedures.
When she's not working on estimates, Saundra looks forward to quality time with her grandchildren.

Olivia Showalter
Olivia is a familiar face in the great Shreveport area and we are happy to have her as part of our Sales and Marketing team. In her first few days on the job, Olivia was on the scene of a major fire helping our crews clean up and restore the property.
When she is not on the job, Olivia looks forward to being with her child and hanging out with friends.